Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Preppers Should Take Notice of Solar Storms

The Sun undergoes a period of raised and reduced volatile activity that actually persists for about eleven years and the maximum of this present day cycle happens to be in 2013. People living in the upper northern hemisphere likely have seen a rise in the aurora borealis in the skies due to increased solar activity. However, the aurora borealis can also warn of very disturbing geomagnetic activity that has the ability to bring activity on earth to a shutdown. 

Solar eruptions happen to have been proven to interfere with national power grids that are crucial to society. These particular solar storms are being caused by massive solar flares that burst from the surface of the Sun and consequently send millions of tons of electrically charged gases and material hurling in the direction of the earth. When these solar charged particles reach our planet, they react to produce geomagnetic disturbances.  Satellites and electrical infrastructures have been demonstrated to be specifically sensitive to the effects of solar eruptions.  Enormous geomagnetic storms yield the potential to completely ruin the world's electric power grid for a long time as the enormous influx of energy would probably destroy mega power transformers. Furthermore, the geostationary satellites revolving about our planet are particularly in danger of getting damaged by a significant solar storm and yet there is almost nothing which can be executed to defend them.   
The monetary expenses of a mega-storm, like the Carrington Solar Storm of 1859, would be upwards of two trillion dollars merely in the 1st 12 months in the U.S. as stated by the National Academy of Sciences.  The study estimated that greater than 350 of the U.S.A.'s mega electric power transformers could fail and/or end up being completely damaged that would likely result in a extensive, enduring national power outage.  Additionally, back-up generators at emergency centers could very well be affected since a vast majority count on natural gas and diesel fuel which must be supplied by electric powered motors.
The situation in which a superstorm hits our planet is being given serious attention by governments and must be by you also.  As stated by the U.S. Geological Survey, there exists around a seven percent possibility of a superstorm developing inside of the upcoming ten years, although some other scientists calculate the chances all the way up to twelve percent. 

Simply because of the large size of the United States of Americas' interconnected national power grids, it would be among the greatest effected nations around the world by outages that may take years to fix.  Electrical power is literally the crux of society and an extended period of time without it could be ruinous.   This is certainly reason why absolutely everyone must be worried about a big solar storm and actually have a crisis plan and supplies for a catastrophe of this sort.